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Matteson School District 162


Activity Buses

Activity Buses

District 162 provides a free 3:30 activity bus as a courtesy for students 4th grade or older who participate in after-school activities.  In addition, Huth runs activity buses at 4:00 for students that participate in after-school activities.  Because the district only runs 1-2 activity buses each day at each school the buses are not able to drop students at their normal bus stops.  Buses make one stop in each subdivision only.  Therefore, stops may not necessarily be close to where a child lives.  If you would like to sign your child up for an activity bus, be sure you contact your child's school to determine the location of the nearest stop to your home.  Parents and students need to decide if the nearest stop is close enough for a safe walk home, particularly in the winter months when it may be dark outside.  If not, other arrangements should be made to pick-up your child from after school activities.  For more information, please contact your child's school.