- Communication, ongoing Professional Development, and e-learning expectations are provided during staff meetings on the first Tuesday of the month during the first semester of the school year.
Section 10-20.56(c) of the School Code requires an e-learning program contain “provisions designed to reasonably and practicably accomplish” certain goals. These goals and tasks are described below.
Students who have limited or no internet connectivity at home will be provided a printed packet with similar content as the digital assignments. Students must turn in this packet to the homeroom teacher the next day that school is in session. Teachers will mark the attendance for all students who turn in a completed packet.
b. All teachers and PEL support staff are provided a District 162 owned laptop computer. Our student database is web-based and all have been able to access without any difficulty. Teachers and PEL support staff have stated that electronic communication with students is not a barrier to implementing e-Learning.